Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The doorbell rang in the mid of the night and,
‘he’ answered the door.
Out stood a hooded figure
of the like ‘he’ had ne'er seen before.
It's hands were skinny,
and its body frail,
Blood was dripping all round it,
leaving behind a ghostly trail.
The wraithlike 'it' then lifted its hood.....
and ‘he’ sprang back with a ghastly look!!
What was there in its face,
which a strong man like him could not face??
Was there blood or a devilish sneer.....
Were there gleaming eyes ....
or a glittering tear?
Or the strangest sight of all
was there no face at all ??
‘It’ pulled down its hood again,
and moved stealthily out of the house.
And there lay ‘he’, breathless and still,
with no motion and no pain.....
no look of shock.....
all senses relaxed........
No heartthrob.
As the time elapsed........
‘He’ knew not ‘it’ was on his way. Well,
it was death that had rung the bell......

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